At Kiwop, we have been developing online stores since 2009.
Based on our extensive experience, we have created a list of factors in which we focus in order to get the conversion rate of a Magento eCommerce Optimised. This list will be followed by the best 3 Magento ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimisation CRO practices (These selection of practices are based on the maint 2020 ecommerce trends).
Here are 8 aspects of your Magento we strongly recommend you to analyse in depth in order to determine your current levels of CRO and more importantly, how to increase it.
Your Magento’s home page is where your potential leads interact with your brand, products and services first.
Ensure your Home Page is optimised and includes the right images, menus, and all required buttons. Your homepage can help you stablish a relationship with a new customer, but if its not optimise, it can cause the lost of thousands of sales. You need to turn your homepage into a conversion engine. If you require any assistance, our CRO team can help you out.
This might sound too obvious, but you would be surprised at the amounts of eCommerces that don’t optimise their Magento’s Navigation.
If your potential customers can’t find your products, there is no way your conversion rate can be optimised. Make sure navigating on your Magento eCommerce is simple for your users.
Analyse your sitemaps and navigation and build a testing team to make sure your Magento visitors can navigate on your store easily.
Those customers that know exactly what products they want to buy from your Magento store will use your Magento’s site search bar, regardless of how great your menus are.
Make sure your Magento store includes a personalised, intuitive and predictive site search bar to get your customers directly to the products they want, increasing the number of users that buy all products in their shopping cart.
If your product page doesn’t contain high resolution images, reviews, different colors, descriptions and inventory, you are putting your product’s sale at risk. You need to test all these elements and ensure their correct functionality to increase your sales.
When customers find your product, a sale is NOT guaranteed, they need to buy it
The checkout page is where the highest rate of shopping cart abandonment take place.
We cannot highlight the importance to check and analyse the full checkout process, such as
The checkout process on your Magento must be a simple experience for your users.
In order to optimise your Conversion Rate you must first investigate your Magento’s abandonment rate and conduct all necessary improvements to decrease it.
Ensure you make use of the great tools available to drop potential customers into personalised email sales funnels.
Your main objective is to lead your customers to return to their abandoned carts and complete their purchase
Use analytics tools to measure and test variables, for example:
Afterwards, deliver these results in a dashboard prior to making a decision on any changes for your pages optimisation.
In addition to all the factors below, you need to investigate your Magento’s backend and site structure. The next are only some of the points you need to analyse:
Ensure all sites on your Magento are working as they should
Let’s now continue with best CRO practices on your Magento.
We have compiled the best Magento CRO practices into 3 important 2020 trends that will have a great impact on your eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization:
Try to decrease the steps consumers have to take to complete a purchase. According to recent experiments conducted on the Mobile Optimization Initiative, simplifying the checkout process has significant impacts on revenue.
Smart payment processing solutions that deliver convenience and security will rise to the top of payment options in 2020. Online store that incorporate these solutions on their Magento shops will see improvements in their eCommerce conversion rate optimisation.
This 2020, voice Commerce is dominating the market.
Incorporate the voice trend on your Magento store and you will boost conversions. So get yourself prepared as follows:
We strongly recommend you to incorporate these three technologies in order to improve your eCommerce conversion rate optimisation in 2020.
If you want to have the website you want or increase the online visibility of your brand, we know how to do it.
Shall we start today?
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