Keys to using long or short content in Content Marketing

Digital Marketing 18 May 2021

If your digital marketing strategy is based on content marketing, someone has one day given you the tip of “if you make the content longer it’s better” or vice versa.

Well, don’t listen to them, because none of that is true.

Because this is the truth: it depends, what depends, on how you look at it.

if your marketing strategy is content this is your article
Content marketing strategy

Throughout the article you will see the advantages and disadvantages of making the content long or short.

Stay and find out. ?

What is content marketing

Content marketing is a strategy that involves attracting potential customers so that they don’t feel overwhelmed, it’s more natural to everything.

Relevant content is created and that adds value to your person buyer.

Those years when we sat and watched advertising just won’t come back, now the customer has the power to consume whatever he wants and interact with the content the way they want.

Therefore, if you create content that might really interest the potential customer, you’ll be more likely to focus their attention on your brand or business.

So take advantage of and create the content that you know they’re going to want to spend time on.

To better understand it, it’s always good to set some example, and we love Freshly Cosmetics.

freshly cosmetics content marketing example
Blog of Freshly Cosmetics

If we enter his blog, for example, you can see countless articles in which they give their potential client advice of all kinds related to cosmetics.

It is content that adds value to people who may end up buying their products, and without being invasive as traditional advertising.

If in search engines you are looking for “type of makeup favors my face” they will come out, and the user will have gone towards their content without Freshly going behind.

But it’s not just creating content like blog posts, it’s also about social media.

Freshly knows his customer profile well and creates Instagram Reels (oh, remember?, we leave you the article in which we talk to you about them) with tutorials on how to use their products.

Importance of content length in your content marketing strategy

Yes, length matters.

But we don’t mean that one is better than the other, we come back: it all depends.

Depends on the goals you’ve set yours to achieve with it.

Depends on what you want to achieve with the content.

Depends on who’s going to consume it.

It depends on the conversion path of your person buyer.

user reading content marketing content
Potential user reading your brand content

For example: if you want to position higher in SEO, long content usually works better.

But if you want to reach younger people and don’t want to delve into a topic, short content is better.

Long content

The long content for many experts is usually from 2,000 words.

It is characterized in front of the short because with this you have time to delve into a theme and tell all the luxury of details.

Whoever is really interested in that matter will be grateful to have so much information.

Since he is focused on educating the client and reporting on the query he is making.

It may be different type of content, such as:

user content marketing reading ebook from a brand
Potential customer reading a brand’s ebook

Advantages and drawbacks of creating long content for your content marketing

Long content, like everything, has its pros and cons, and here they are:

Advantages of creating long content

Inconvenient with creating long content

Short content

The short content, on the other hand, for many experts is usually between 800 and 1,200 words.

It is easy to consume, the consumer can consult it quickly.

He talks about a particular topic and doesn’t want to delve into anything.

You want to spread an idea in a simple way.

It can be contained as:

content marketing infographic kiwop instagram
Infographic used for Kiwop’s Instagram account

Advantages and disadvantages of creating short content in your content marketing

The short content will also have its positive and negative aspects, it will be a matter of assessing which one will give you the best results according to your objectives.

Advantages of creating short content

Inconvenient from creating short content

What will the length be like in your content marketing?

Once known that none is better than another, and that length if it matters, but depending on several aspects… Tell us, what kind of content are you going to decide to create for your online business?

Consider each other’s sales and disadvantages, what you intend to achieve with them, and who you’re going to target.

Contact us if you need help or follow us on our Instagram profile for more content marketing tips.

At Kiwop, we are specialists in content writing, digital marketing, web development and e-commerce.

Go ahead… start writing short or long content, decide! ?


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