How to create custom Google Analytics 4 reports

SEO and SEM 03 June 2024

Today, analytics is an indispensable tool for understanding user behavior and making informed decisions. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of this powerful platform, designed to provide a more complete and detailed view of user data. One of the most outstanding features of GA4 is the ability to create custom reports.

For data analysts, customized reports are essential. They allow data to be tailored to specific needs, facilitating the identification of patterns, trends and areas for improvement. Below we will take a step-by-step look at how to create custom reports in Google Analytics 4, which key metrics to prioritize, and best practices for interpreting and using these reports effectively.

Custom reports in Google Analytics 4

Navigating Google Analytics 4 to create custom reports

Step 1: Sign in to Google Analytics 4

To get started, you must log in to your Google Analytics account and select the GA4 property you wish to analyze. If you have not yet configured GA4, we recommend following Google’ s official guide to do so. Setting up GA4 will allow you to take advantage of the new features and tools offered by this enhanced version of Google Analytics. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to access the property, as this is essential to perform any analysis.

Step 2: Navigate to the Exploration Section

In the left menu, you will find the “Explorations” section. This section is the core of creating custom reports in GA4. Here you can perform detailed analyses and create reports tailored to your specific needs. Explorations give you the flexibility to use different types of visualizations and analytical techniques to dig deeper into the data and discover patterns or insights relevant to your business.

Step 3: Create a new scan

Click on “Scan” and then on “Create new scan”. A blank screen will appear where you can build your report from scratch. You can choose from different predefined templates or start with a blank canvas. Predefined templates can be useful for those just starting out, as they provide an initial structure to work from, while a blank canvas offers maximum flexibility for more advanced users.

Step 4: Select dimensions and metrics

In the right panel, you will find the available dimensions and metrics. Dimensions are descriptive attributes of your data, such as “device”, “location” or “traffic source”. Metrics, on the other hand, are quantitative values, such as “number of sessions”, “average session duration” or “conversion rate”.

Drag and drop the dimensions and metrics you want to include in your report to the work area. You can customize the visualization of your data by choosing between different types of graphs, tables and charts. This customization allows you to present data in a way that is more understandable and actionable for your audience.

Step 5: Apply filters and segments

To further refine your reports, you can apply filters and segments. Filters allow you to exclude or include certain data, while segments help you analyze specific subsets of users. For example, you could create a segment for users who have completed a purchase and another for those who have not. This segmentation capability allows you to better understand the behavior of different user groups and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

Step 6: Save and share your report

Once you have set up your customized report, you can save it for future reference. This is especially useful for monitoring key metrics on an ongoing basis and tracking changes over time. In addition, GA4 allows you to share your reports with other members of your team, facilitating collaboration and data-driven decision making. You can do this through shared links or by exporting reports in compatible formats, such as PDF or CSV, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the relevant information.

Key metrics that data analysts should prioritize in their reports

Selecting the right metrics is crucial to gain valuable insights from your customized reports. Here are some key metrics to consider:

  1. Active users: Measures the number of unique users that interact with your website or application in a specific period of time, which can be daily, weekly or monthly. This metric is crucial to understand the level of engagement and popularity of your platform.
  2. Conversion rate: Calculates the percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for an account or subscribing to a newsletter. A high conversion rate indicates that your website or application is effectively achieving its business objectives.
  3. Average session duration: Indicates how long, on average, users spend on your website or application during a session. Longer session length often suggests that users find content valuable and are more engaged with what you offer.
  4. Bounce rate: Measures the percentage of users who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may indicate problems with the quality of the content, the user experience or the relevance of the landing page to what users are looking for.
  5. Revenue: Shows the revenue generated by transactions on your website or application. This metric is critical for any business, as it directly reflects the effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts in converting visitors into paying customers.

Incorporating these metrics into your reporting will allow you to evaluate the performance of your website or application and make informed decisions to improve the user experience.

Best practices for interpreting and using customized reports

Understanding the context

When interpreting the data in your custom reports, it is crucial to consider the context in which they are found. Analyzing the data in relation to your business objectives, historical trends and recent events can provide a more complete picture. For example, a decrease in conversion rate might be worrisome at first glance, but if it coincides with a major update to your website, it could be a temporary reaction. In addition, external factors such as market changes or competitor campaigns can also influence results.

Compare time periods

Comparing data from different time periods can provide valuable insights into the performance of your website or application. Use the date comparison feature in GA4 to identify trends and patterns over time. For example, comparing performance between high and low seasons can help you adjust your strategy to maximize results. It is also useful to make year-over-year comparisons to identify growth or areas for improvement.

Analyze user segments

Dividing your data into specific user segments will allow you to better understand the behavior of different user groups. For example, you could analyze the behavior of new versus returning users, or compare performance between different acquisition channels, such as organic, paid, or social. By segmenting the data, you can identify which tactics are most effective for each group and adjust your efforts accordingly. You can also drill down into more specific segments, such as users who have completed a purchase versus those who have just browsed the site.

Acting on insights

Interpretation of the data should lead to action. Use the insights obtained from your customized reports to make adjustments to your marketing strategy, improve user experience and optimize your advertising campaigns. For example, if you identify that a specific page has a high bounce rate, you could work on improving its content or usability. If you find that one acquisition channel is generating high quality customers, you may want to invest more resources in that channel. Remember that the ultimate goal is to make informed decisions that will drive the success of your business.

Examples of customized reports that have provided significant insights

To illustrate the power of custom reporting, here are some examples of how companies have used GA4 to gain meaningful insights:

Case 1: Conversion Rate Optimization

An e-commerce company used custom reports to analyze the conversion rate on different devices. They found that the conversion rate on mobile devices was significantly lower than on desktop computers. Digging deeper into the data, they identified usability issues with the mobile version of their website. They solved these problems and managed to increase the conversion rate on mobile devices by 30%.

Case 2: Improving user retention

A fitness application used GA4 to analyze user retention over time. They found that users who completed a training session in the first three days had significantly higher retention. Based on this insight, they implemented push notifications to motivate new users to complete a training session within the first three days, resulting in a 20% increase in user retention.

Case 3: Identification of cross-selling opportunities

An online retailer used customized reports to analyze the buying behavior of its customers. They found that customers who bought products from a specific category also tended to buy products from another category. Based on this information, they implemented product recommendations on their website, resulting in a significant increase in cross-selling.

Google Analytics 4

Final considerations

Custom reports in Google Analytics 4 are a powerful tool for data analysts. They allow you to tailor data to your specific needs, making it easier to identify valuable insights and make informed decisions. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this article, you will be able to create custom reports that give you deeper insight into your website or application.

Do you need expert help in data analysis?

At Kiwop, we have a team of data analytics experts who are ready to help you get the most out of custom reports in Google Analytics 4. We can guide you through every step of the process, from the initial configuration to the interpretation of the data and the implementation of actions based on the insights obtained.

Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn to keep up to date with our latest news, tips and updates on data analytics and digital marketing. We are here to help you transform data into strategic decisions that drive your business success.

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