How to Create a Top Performing Campaign on Google Ads

SEO and SEM 28 May 2024

Introduction to Google Ads

Google Ads has established itself as an essential tool to reach and attract specific audiences. Google Ads allows advertisers to display paid advertisements on the Google search network, YouTube and other partner sites. Its importance lies in its ability to drive relevant traffic to a website, increase conversions and ultimately drive business growth.

In this article we will discover how to create a top-performing Google Ads campaign, from goal setting to ongoing optimization. This guide is designed to help marketers maximize their return on investment (ROI) and get meaningful results.

2. Setting the Stage: Understanding the Target Audience and Key Objectives

Before diving into creating a campaign, it is crucial to understand who your target audience is and what your campaign objectives are. Ask yourself:

Having clear answers to these questions will help you design a more effective campaign and select the right strategies. For example, if your goal is to increase sales of a particular product, you can focus on keywords related to that product and use ads that highlight its benefits.

Maximum Performance Campaign in Google Ads

Keyword Selection

Keywords are terms or phrases that users enter into the search engine to find

4. Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the fundamental pillars of a successful Google Ads campaign. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Research Tools

Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush or Ahrefs to identify relevant keywords. These tools will provide you with data on search volume, competition and estimated cost per click (CPC).

Step 2: Keyword Selection

Choose keywords that are relevant to your business and have a good balance between search volume and competition. It includes a mix of short-tail and long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords tend to be more specific and may have less competition. It is also important to take into account the user’s intention when searching for these keywords.

Step 3: Keyword Grouping

Group your keywords into similar topics and create ad groups for each. This will allow you to create more targeted and relevant ads, which will increase your ad quality and may reduce your CPC.

5. Writing Attractive Copy for Advertisements

Good copy can make the difference between an ad that goes unnoticed and one that generates clicks and conversions. Here are some tips for writing attractive texts:

Be Clear and Concise

Google Ads space is limited, so be sure to communicate your message clearly and directly. Use powerful calls to action (CTAs) such as “Buy now”, “Find out more” or “Sign up today”.

Include Keywords

Incorporate your keywords in the title and description of the ad. This not only improves the relevance of the ad, but can also increase the Quality Score.

Highlight Benefits

Focus on the benefits your product or service offers, rather than just listing features. How will you solve the customer’s problem? What added value does it provide?

Using Ad Extensions

Ad extensions such as site links, callout extensions and structured snippets can increase the visibility and effectiveness of your ads.

6. Landing Page Optimization

The landing page plays a crucial role in converting visitors into customers. Here’s how to optimize it for best results:

Make sure it is Relevant

Your landing page should closely match the message of your ads. If you promote a specific product, make sure visitors land on that product page and not on the home page.

Improve Loading Speed

A landing page that takes a long time to load can frustrate visitors and lead them to abandon your site. Use tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze and improve your page loading speed.

Clear and Visible CTA

The call to action (CTA) must be clear and prominently placed on the page. Use contrasting colors and a large font size to make sure visitors know exactly what to do.

Optimize for Mobile

More and more people are using their mobile devices to browse the Internet, so it is essential that your landing page is optimized for mobile devices. Make sure the design is responsive and the buttons are easy to use on small screens.

By following these steps and maintaining a constant optimization and analysis of the results, you will be able to create top-performing Google Ads campaigns that contribute significantly to the success of your business in the digital sphere.

7. Campaign Structure

Organizing your campaign effectively is crucial to its performance. Here’s how to do it:

Campaign Configuration

Define the type of campaign you want to create (search, display, video, shopping, etc.) and set a daily or monthly budget. Be sure to adjust the geographic and language settings according to your target audience.

Creation of Ad Groups

Divide your campaign into several ad groups, each focused on a specific set of keywords. This will allow you to create more relevant ads and improve your Quality Score.

Bidding Configuration

Select a bidding strategy that aligns with your objectives. Some options include:

8. Bidding Strategies

Selecting the right bidding strategy can have a significant impact on the performance of your campaign. Here are some common strategies and when to use them:

CPC Manual

The Manual CPC (Cost Per Click) offers you the possibility to set individual bids for each specific keyword. This feature is especially useful if you are looking to have full control over your advertising budget and the bids you place. By being able to adjust bids per keyword, you can optimize your campaigns to maximize ROI, ensuring that your money is spent as efficiently as possible.

Enhanced CPC (ECPC)

Enhanced Cost Per Click (ECPC) is an advanced bidding functionality that automatically adjusts for each ad opportunity based on the likelihood of conversion. This tool is ideal if you are looking to maximize the number of conversions of your advertising campaigns without giving up full control over your bids. It works by analyzing historical data from your campaigns and adjusting bids in real time to maximize conversion opportunities, making it an excellent choice for optimizing the performance of your ads and reaching your marketing goals more effectively.


CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) and CPV (Cost Per View) are ideal strategies for brand awareness campaigns, where the main objective is to reach as many people as possible. CPM focuses on the number of times an ad is shown, while CPV focuses on the actual views of the ad. Both strategies are essential when the intention is to increase brand visibility in the marketplace and create a lasting impression in the minds of consumers. These metrics allow advertisers to optimize their campaigns to ensure that their message effectively reaches the target audience, thus maximizing the impact of their advertising efforts.

CPA (Cost per Acquisition)

CPA, or Cost Per Acquisition, is an automated bidding strategy designed to optimize your advertising campaigns. Its main objective is to adjust your bids in real time to help you get the maximum number of conversions possible, always respecting your budget limit. It is especially ideal for campaigns aimed at generating leads or increasing sales, as it allows you to maximize the efficiency of your advertising investment. By using CPA, you can ensure that your money is invested in the most effective way, thus improving the ROI of your marketing campaigns.

9. Tracking and Metrics

To evaluate the success of your campaign, it is essential to track key metrics. Some of the most important KPIs include:

Tools such as Google Analytics and Google Ads are essential to any digital marketing strategy, as they will provide you with detailed, real-time data on the performance of your campaign. These powerful tools allow you to monitor various metrics, such as web traffic, conversion rate, and return on investment, which is essential to optimize your marketing efforts and ensure that your campaign achieves its goals.

Maximum Performance Campaign in Google Ads | Kiwop

10. Optimization Techniques

Continuous optimization is key to maximize the performance of your campaign. Here are some proven techniques:

A/B Testing

Perform A/B tests to compare different versions of your ads and landing pages. This method consists of creating two versions of the same element, such as an advertisement or a web page, where each has a minority variation in order to evaluate which of the two performs better. This will help you identify which elements work best, whether they are images, text, calls to action or design settings, and optimize them accordingly. Implementing A/B testing is a key strategy to improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and increase the conversion of your business objectives.

Bid Adjustment

It is crucial to review and adjust your bids on a regular basis to ensure you are getting the maximum return on investment (ROI). An effective strategy involves considering increasing bids for those keywords that have proven to generate a high number of conversions. This helps ensure greater visibility in search results, potentially increasing your revenue. On the other hand, for keywords that are not providing the expected results, it is advisable to reduce bids. This action can help reduce unnecessary spending and reallocate your budget to more cost-effective options. Adjusting bids according to keyword performance is a dynamic and essential tactic to optimize your digital marketing campaigns.

Landing Page Optimization

It is crucial to make sure that your landing pages are not only relevant to what your users are looking for, but that they are also quick to load and easy to navigate. Relevance is key to keeping visitors interested; therefore, content should be directly related to what they expect to find. Moreover, in a world where loading speed can influence user satisfaction, optimizing your page load time is critical. Intuitive and simple navigation makes it easier for users to find what they are looking for, thus improving their overall experience on the site. Implementing a good landing page that meets these criteria can significantly improve your conversion rate, attracting and retaining more potential customers.

Use of Remarketing

Remarketing is a powerful digital marketing tool that allows you to retarget those users who have interacted in some way with your website or mobile app in the past. By using cookies or other identifiers, you can identify these visitors and show them personalized ads on different platforms and social networks, with the aim of attracting them back to your website.

This strategy can be incredibly effective in winning back those potential customers who, for some reason, did not complete a desired action (such as a purchase or registration) on their first visit. By personalizing ads based on their past behavior on your website, you can significantly increase the chances of conversion. In addition, remarketing allows you to keep your brand present in the minds of your potential customers, increasing loyalty and brand recognition in the long term.


Creating a top-performing Google Ads campaign requires a combination of research, strategy and ongoing optimization. By understanding your target audience, selecting the right keywords, writing compelling copy, structuring your campaign effectively and tracking key metrics, you can maximize your ROI and achieve your marketing goals.

Remember, success in Google Ads does not happen overnight. It is an iterative process that requires constant adjustments and improvements. But with the right strategy and the right tools, you can achieve impressive results. For Kiwop’s SEM professionals, now is the time to take your campaigns to the next level. With the implementation of the above strategies and tools, they have the unique opportunity to exceed their clients’ expectations, significantly improving the performance of online advertising campaigns. We encourage you not to miss this opportunity to optimize, innovate and lead in the digital space. Start applying these techniques today and see how your efforts translate into tangible results. Remember, continuous improvement and adapting to emerging trends are the key to staying ahead in the competitive world of digital marketing. It’s time to act!


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