LinkedIn is one of the most important networks in terms of personal branding, hence you should always consider it on your Content Marketing Plan.
” Active participation on LinkedIn is the best way to say, ‘Look at me!’ without saying ‘Look at me!”
Bobby Darnell
LinkedIn is a proven platform for any business-related activity and a good place to start building your company brand. If you want to promote your content and increase your engagement, keep reading the below 6 key steps for your business to follow:
#1. Informative and short native videos
Video content is nowadays very successful in LinkedIn because it’s short and concise. Short videos are great for providing information in less time and effort than reading a long post, or clicking to a blog.
Native videos on LinkedIn can last from 3 seconds to 10 minutes, depending on what your business wants to share.
Short native videos provide more value than links to new content and capture more attention on LinkedIn for being brief, informative, and easy to watch.
#2. Write content directly on LinkedIn
Most LinkedIn users share content to drive traffic to their website, blog, etc.
If you want to increase your engagement, stop sharing links that are generally ignored and start taking advantage of LinkedIn’s native content system.
Connect with your audience producing short stories on the LinkdIn platform. This method will not drive direct traffic to your website, but you will be focusing on the long game and branding yourself at the same time.
Start using the “Write an article” feature on LinkedIn to post short stories that focus on story telling to keep LinkedIn users engaged. Take this chance to write short blurbs and pieces that you wouldn’t normally post on your blog.
#3. Test and measure
Try different tones, different content lengths and different formats. You need to measure what generates more engagement. Rethink the content you have published on LinkedIn that hasn’t generated any responses and launch it again with a different format.
The only way to know if something works is to launch it.
#4. Find out the right amount of LinkedIn posts.
How often do you publish content on LinkedIn, and are you sure its a good frequency? It’s understandable you don’t want to become spam, but you might be posting much less than what your audience is expecting from you.
How to find out? Test and measure in order to find out the ideal volume. It’s important to stop looking for content on frequencies and content schedules; your audience is unique, and what works for others does not have to work for you. Seek to have your own conclusions.
#5. Be original and genuine
Authenticity is the key to growing your business. In order to be genuine on LinkedIn, stay true to who you are, what your business do, and who is your audience. It creates value and benefits for your LinkedIn followers as well as improving your image.
Find your business personality with the copy (style and tone) and your audivisual resources. Your brand will be more consolidated by repeating concepts. It will be easier for LinkedIn users to remember your brand if you stick to your identity every time you post new content.
#6. Invest to reach the right audience
If you want to reach a specific audience effectively, you will need to invest. Take advantage of the segmentation capabilities offered by LinkedIn, for instance you can segment by charge, etc.
If you want to have the website you want or increase the online visibility of your brand, we know how to do it.
Shall we start today?
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