We are specialists in SEM. If you want to increase your website traffic quickly, reach more customers or make specific advertising campaigns, you need to advertise in search engines (SEM).

Why do you need to advertise your business on Google Ads?

Search Engine Marketing refers to paid advertising within Search Engines, being one of the most effective marketing channels to generate web traffic. It complements SEO and content marketing and gets your brand at the top of Google, Bing and other search engines.

The main reason why your business should run SEM campaigns is that they will help you to increase your revenue. Additionally, there are several types of conversions that your business can achieve through SEM: You can increase your brand awareness, new subscribers, newsletter signups, leads, clients, etc. Effective SEM is a powerful conversion driver for marketing campaigns of any type, offering quick results, conversions, anda high return of investment (ROI).

We help you get results

If you want to have the website you want or increase the online visibility of your brand, we know how to do it.

Shall we start today?

Campañas en Google Ads

Google Ads is the main SEM tool, dedicated 100% to online advertising. It was added to Google in 2000 (with the name of Google Adwords) with the purpose of offering a system developed to advertise through the search engine. Previously, Google was free from advertising, but today it is the main source of income for this search engine.

Google Ads is based on a pay-per-click positioning through the insertion of sponsored ads in the main Internet search engines, charging only when the user clicks on an ad.

Google Ads

  • What users do we want to reach?
  • At what time
  • Amount invested per click
  • What kind of searches will our ad appear for?
  • Modify the content of our ads


Definition of investment objectives in SEM

Any SEM strategy must be started by establishing the objectives to be achieved.

The most common objectives that are established in a search engine advertising strategy are:

  • Increase sales – Increase leads or subscribers
  • Increase visibility and brand awareness
  • The main mission of any SEM strategy is to attract new customers, leads, increase brand awareness and generate quality traffic to the web. SEM positioning campaigns allow both large and SMEs to gain immediate visibility on the Internet without the need for a high investment, making their products and services known to a wide audience.

Details and advantages of online advertising through SEM

SEM offers high short-term profitability. A website can obtain better rankings in search engines from the very first moment. As soon as the campaign is activated, the ads appear prominently.

  • Pay per click (PPC) campaigns allow owners of a website or online store to pay only when a user clicks on an ad and lands on the page.
  • The budget of a campaign in Google Ads can be freely decided by the person in charge of the website or online store investing the amount that is deemed necessary. If appropriate, you can expand the amount invested based on results.
  • PPC campaigns allow a personalised configuration tailored to the needs of each business. A PPC campaign can be configured in different languages, locations, keywords, etc.
  • The segmentation capacity is one of the great advantages of SEM positioning campaigns.
  • The return on investment (ROI) is measurable at all times. The Google Ads tool allows an exhaustive measurement of the results, you will be able to know which ads are working better, etc.
  • The analysis of data and a correct and constant measurement of results will allow you to make adjustments and optimise the SEM positioning campaign progressively to obtain the best possible results.
  • Ads included in SEM campaigns in Google Ads can appear, in addition to the Search networkDisplay Network (remarketing) and Ads on YouTube. The possibilities that the pay-per-click campaigns that Google Ads puts within our reach are many. If you want to know which is the most appropriate for your business, contact us.In conclusion, SEM advertising and marketing in Google Ads by SEM specialists and experts, can make both small and medium-sized companies and larger companies achieve more sales of their services or products in a short period of time. weather.

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We help you get results

If you want to have the website you want or increase the online visibility of your brand, we know how to do it.

Shall we start today?