How to find inspiration for blog articles

Digital Marketing 23 November 2021

Nowadays, it is rare to find a web page that does not have a section for its own blog, regardless of what the site is about.

This is because creating good content is the main engagement and loyalty tool out there.

But many times, the creation of that content becomes complicated by a lack of inspiration or ideas.

Do you want to know how to get out of the way? We tell you everything in this article.

Generate good content for your blog

As we have already mentioned, blogs have become an important tool for marketing and social media, in addition to influencing the positioning in Google.

In addition to building user loyalty, you build trust, position yourself as an expert and improve the image of your brand.

And not only that! If we get technical, it is another way to capture leads to get conversions, and you also attract quality visits because they will be users who will be interested in that content you generate.

If you need more information about it, we recommend our article on the importance of generating quality content.

Your blog content is important for many reasons

In addition to working on interesting content for your readers, we must also bear in mind that we will have to work on SEO to position in Google.

If not, some of the work you do won’t do much good, as you won’t be found.

Some useful tools

To work that SEO there are some essential tools.

Google Search Console

Getting started with Google Search Console is as simple as linking your Gmail account.

This tool will give you all the information about which keywords are the most clicked or through which we appear more in search engines, or which pages receive more visits.

Google Search Console is a simple tool that allows you to work well on SEO

Be sure to create new content by looking at what has been happening on your website, and use keywords to improve your positioning.

But beware! Vary the topics, don’t burn your readers.


This tool has a simple but very necessary use: to determine if the titles and meta descriptions have the necessary length.

It is important that the titles are below 65 characters and the meta description between 130 and 160 characters.

Mangools helps you make sure you’re within limits.

If you want to know more about how to work WITH SEO, you might want to know the differences between SEO on Page and Off Page, or discover other useful SEO tools.

Find inspiration to write your blog posts

Now we leave you some tips on how to find inspiration for your blog articles.

1. Other blogs in the sector

One of the main tips we give you is to read blogs from other pages in the same sector.

It is not about copying the content, but about knowing what topics are on the agenda to join the “conversation”.

You could even consider collaborations!


It’s important to listen to your readers. Whether on social networks or in the comments of the posts, you have to see what content they are interested in.

From what they say, you can check whether or not you have written about those topics, investigate which pages of your website receive the most traffic …

Reviewing comments on other posts is an important practice

3. Write down ideas that arise spontaneously

If you come up with an idea out of thin air while you’re working on other things: SIGN IT UP.

Do not expect to remember when it is time to start writing, have at hand something where you go pointing out ideas that arise, and assess if it is time to include them in your blog.

4. Recycle and update

If you haven’t written about a certain topic for a long time, find the entry you wrote and see if there’s any news on the topic.

If you find them, write a new post on your blog where you compare those novelties with the last thing you explained on the subject.

5. Talks, networking, conferences…

If you like to participate in these types of events, try to write about the topics that are discussed.

Sometimes from personal experiences you can also extract good content, and it will always be easier for us to write about something we have lived.

6. Social Media

Nowadays, an incredible amount of content is generated on social networks, and surely from your sector you can find things.

Follow relevant people or accounts that post content that you find interesting or important.

Who knows, maybe you can even include an interview!

Inspiration can be drawn from social networks

Dare to create entries for your blog

Now you have enough tips to find inspiration for your blog, so there are no excuses.

So what are you waiting for?

Contact us if you need help, or follow us on our Instagram profile for more tips on digital marketing.

At Kiwop, we are specialists in content writing, digital marketing, web development and e-commerce.

Go ahead… Start creating content for your blog! ✍


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